I'm Michael

Native to California,
calling Nevada home most of my life.
I consider connecting with others to be a deep purpose of mine and I'm overjoyed to find art a home for doing so.

I’ve called Reno my home for most of my 27 year long life, there I found my love of creating art both with a camera and without, exploring the outdoors with my friends, and a desire to help others in my career. After working in healthcare for 5 years and some honesty with my heart, I took the chance at making what you see here the fullest part of my life and I couldn't be happier.

I picked up a camera when I was in high school, but it took time to make photography the home it is now. What started as a way to explore beautiful places and take cool pics (for the gram) became a place for connection that I don’t think I could've found any other way. Not only through the immense community of so many artists refining their craft, but also those who decided to step in front of the camera with me. There’s always a story to be told and an intimate relationship built that I believe garners the most amount of respect, care, and presence.

my story & values

hey there,

I consider photography an intimate art, through and through.

My values and work are intrinsically tied together, aiming authentically as I believe that's where the best art comes from and where your story is truly told. To me, these aren't just photos, this is me being given the trust to capture your most loving moments. It should feel like I'm another friend along for the ride.

Finding that intimacy and knowing the real you can only happen  if you know the real me first. There was a softness and vulnerability with myself that I didn't realize I was unwittingly  hiding for years in my early 20s. It took time and honesty with myself to break that barrier, feel truly happy, and not deny all the things I love. I love the way people get happy at the simple stuff. I love to explore places and try new things. I love to sing (still working on that). I love the sounds of the dirt beneath my feet on a hike. I love how the summer and spring air feels to breathe in. I love how I can say all of that with no embarrassment, and deep down I believe everyone deserves this feeling too.

my philosophy

Cultivate space that invites trust and creates a natural intimacy, allowing me to observe and document with no need to perform.

Creating a personal experience that brings you to be seen as your true selves with little direction.

No pretending.

Outside of photos

bits about me

Creating a space of comfort has always been my top priority, I'd would be cruel to express these values not be holistic. No matter how you identify, who you love, or the culture you embrace, this is a safe space to show your true colors and who you are. You are loved.

quick note on inclusivity

I create hand-drawn pen illustrations on the side of my photography business where I can express myself however I want, catch me at mw_inkworks.

I love to surf and want to eventually live near the ocean.

I love music and get so much inspiration from my favorite songs, feel free to stalk my Spotify and maybe we'll have a couple jams in common.

I'm an only child to two very loving parents.

I often enjoy the drive more than the destination.

Find me at the gym after most projects and shoots. I love working out and the mental health benefits of exercise.

Jurassic Park has still held the spot of my favorite movie since I was a kid.

FOLLOW along @mcwerner_

© 2023 Michael Werner Photography • Graphics by Megan Weeks Design Co. • All Rights Reserved